Benefits of shade sails

Benefits of shade sails

Aesthetically Appealing

Not only shade sails, but all fabric structures can be designed to fit any area or architecture. The design can be a focal point of an area or simple blend into an area with color choice. Typically fabric shade structures are used and remembered as “Iconic”. For example The Denver Airport, many remember it as a unique airport because of it tension fabric based architecture.

Many Shade Structures never get the recognition they deserve even when designed in a inconspicuous way

UV Protection

Every shade cloth ArchiFab USA uses blocks up to 98% of all UVA and UVB Rays
According to PAMA (The Professional Awning Manufactures Association) Fabric Awnings and exterior shades can reduce homeowners cooling cost by more than 50%. In a study sweeping 50 states proves awnings are a smart retrofit to reduce a home’s energy consumption.

• Save money though reduced cooling bills
• Increase the home internal comforts by reducing the temperature
• Potentially reduce the mechanical wear on the homes AC Unit

From PAMA’s Website

The study focused on older homes that are typically smaller and less insulated than newer construction. Resulting data supports awnings and solar shades as “smart” retrofits to help make older homes more energy efficient.

For example, the study showed that awnings on a home with single or double glazed windows in Pittsburgh, PA can reduce cooling energy 46-50% in a hot year compared to the same house without awnings. Correlating cost savings can range from $81 to $102. In a hot city like Phoenix, AZ the net savings was $193 in a typical year.
“The sun’s rays through glass are responsible for almost 20% of the load on your air conditioner,” says Michelle Sahlin, Managing Director of PAMA. “Awnings reduce direct solar gain through windows.”
The study incorporated information about weather and energy costs, and included a number of variations (cities, shade designs and fabrics). The amount of cooling energy saved varies depending on the number of windows, type of glass in the windows, window orientation and regional climate.

PAMA Awning Benefits

Visit PAMA’s Website for more study info

Cost Effective

Compared to wood, steel or block structures, Fabric shade structures provide a cost effective method to provide environmental protect over most any area. With quicker project turnaround you can experience less down time whether you are a restaurant or manufacturing facility this could be a topic of interest. Being able to span over larger areas than conventional methods shade sails have fast become the chosen solution for municipal parks over playgrounds and shopping center parking areas

Environmental Friendly
With less construction materials used in shade sails and a less evasive construction approach requiring fewer footings, less gasoline and less actual site construction time putting less impact on the environment
All Shade cloths ArchiFab USA works with are 100% recyclable.

Recyclable  Shade Cloths

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